Revolution Hymns - Revolutionary

Revolution Hymns - Revolutionary

Version 4
Install +20 K
Category Music & Audio
Size 17 MB
Last Update 2021 November 1
Revolution Hymns - Revolutionary

Revolution Hymns - Revolutionary

Group programming Sadroid
Version 4
Install +20 K
Category Music & Audio
Size 17 MB
Last Update 2021 November 1
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Do you want to have all the revolutionary songs !? This time, with the best collection of epic songs and chants, we have come to greet you, patriots, to celebrate the victory of the Islamic Revolution together, and to celebrate this epic day, which is the pride of all Iranians, as it should be and maybe and Let's celebrate in a proper way. Hearing these songs, a passionate feeling waves in our hearts and reminds us of our mission to be able to pass the epic of the Revolution of 1957 on to the youth of the homeland and to protect it from the bite of oblivion. Would you like to listen to all the revolutionary songs ?! You can easily set the songs as ringtone / message sound / alarm sound. Thanks to the programming team.

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