World Cuisines: Recipes

World Cuisines: Recipes

Version 11.16.465
Install <10
Category Education
Size 25 MB
Last Update 2025 February 22
World Cuisines: Recipes

World Cuisines: Recipes

Riafy Technologies
Version 11.16.465
Install <10
Category Education
Size 25 MB
Last Update 2025 February 22
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More Info

Organize your weekly meal plans using our step by step guided recipes app. World cuisines app offers planning of weekly meal plans with step by step cooking instruction.

The meal planner has a variety of collection of recipe recommendations personalized for you. Stimulate your taste buds and learn how to cook recipes in an easy way.

Meal planning:
Planning your meals should be quick and simple. Meal plans are organized from week to week with tasty recipes to stimulate taste buds. You can add your meal types with ingredients.

Recipe collection:
World cuisines app has a variety of tasty recipes ranging from homemade dishes to famous world cuisine recipes. Plan a week of meals from your favorite all recipes dinner, lunch or breakfast. Choose your favorite recipes from a variety of recipes from around the world.

Create and share a meal plan:
Create your weekly meal plan with favorite cooking recipes. Share your Meal plans with your friends or loved ones. Eat healthier and tasty recipes using recipe recommendations from your dietician.

Cookbook all recipes:
Save your favorite recipes into an offline cookbook. Cook your dishes in the kitchen without the internet. Voice commands of step by step recipes instruction.

Grocery shopping list:
Make a grocery shopping list for all recipes week plan and even share it with your partner. Categories shopping list according to ingredients for the recipes for the meal plan.

Wear OS Support
Access your favorite recipes, search for new recipes and even shop offline using your Wear OS supported smartwatch.

Some of the best all recipes categories:-
1. Slow cooker (crockpot recipes)
2. Pancake recipe
3. Easy recipes for dinner ideas
4. French toast recipes
5. Dessert recipes
6. Healthy chicken curry recipes
7. Healthy Meal recipes
8. Breakfast recipes

Our world cuisines app focuses on healthy recipes to go along with your busy lifestyle to relieve your stress. Download the world cuisine app. Start cooking tasty recipes from around the world.

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