Baazar gold

Baazar gold

Version 3.5.3
Install +50 K
Category Finance
Size 7 MB
Last Update 2023 March 12
Baazar gold

Baazar gold

Version 3.5.3
Install +50 K
Category Finance
Size 7 MB
Last Update 2023 March 12
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More Info

Baazar: The first investment app in melted gold

Baazar app has become the first app to invest in gold. All people can easily buy and sell molten gold at anytime and anywhere using their mobile phones and tablets.

Unique Market Features:

· Immediate sale of molten gold

· Delivery of hydrated gold in hologram packing

· Possibility of investing gold annually and earning gold

· Creating personal customer groups

· Purchase gold with any amount of money

Buy and sell instant gold:

To buy and sell gold in the market requires time and risk of physical transport and so on, if you can buy gold in less than a minute within your merchant app.

Delivery of Dried Gold in Hologram Packaging:

If the minimum total reaches 30 grams, investors can get their gold.

Possibility of investing gold annually and earning gold:

Buyers can save their chilled gold annually to the merchant and receive their gold profits.

Creating specific customer groups:

If your friends and acquaintances install the code with your referral code, you will receive a percentage of the profits as long as these users buy and sell within the gold program.

Purchase Gold at Any Money:

Anyone can buy chilled gold at any cost.

Baazar , the only reputable source of investment in scrap gold, thanks everyone who gave a high score to the program and also asked those who gave a low score to the program to give a reason why they should correct the plan. Will happen. Thank you.

User Reviews - 717 Rates
3.5 from 5
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