name and last name Fraud !

name and last name Fraud !

Version v1.0.1
Install +100 K
Category Books & Reference
Size 6 MB
Last Update 2017 June 29
name and last name Fraud !

name and last name Fraud !

Version v1.0.1
Install +100 K
Category Books & Reference
Size 6 MB
Last Update 2017 June 29
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More Info

Family name fraud!

It has successfully completed the design, production and distribution of this program.

This is just the first version. We've made all ours that there is no problem inside the program. If we can tell us through our communication link in the program, the problem can be solved.

The name and family play is one of our oldest Iranian games. Some are fast in this game, and some can not write 3 pillars!

In this app, you can also find skills in the name and family, and tell Steppen the fastest!
More than 15,000 words (all 32 letters of the alphabet) are categorized into the following categories in the program:
Nominee / Family / City / Country / Fruit / Animal / Color / Body / Objects / Cars / Occupation / Food / Flowers
With fully professional and compact graphics.

It is noteworthy. All information is gathered from a reputable website such as Wikipedia and so on.

And, as far as possible, writing plastic objects like plastic teeth, plastic honey, and so on.

There is no place in the program with the --- icon so far, but if you find it, you can tell us through the section that is designed in the program to add to the list in the next version of the program.

This is just the start of the game. Merv will be backed up by your comments so that the next Wikileaks team will do its best to improve the program.

User Reviews - 357 Rates
3.9 from 5
ساسان قفلی
ساسان قفلی
سلام برای من که اندروید ۱۲ سامسونگ دارم باز نمی کند.... همش یک صفحه سال می آید و می گوید اسم فامیل تقلب همش متوقف می شود ... لطفا پیگیر لازم انجام شود ممنون
عالییییی واقعا محشره★★★★★★★★★ ۷۰% کلمات برام جدید بود. مرسی بازار