

Version 1.16.3
Install +10 K
Category Finance
Size 15 MB
Last Update 2022 April 6


Version 1.16.3
Install +10 K
Category Finance
Size 15 MB
Last Update 2022 April 6
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More Info

If you are a business owner and sell products and services to people, you will need to issue many invoices for your customers and track the payment status of these invoices. Doing this using paper and by your own is extremely time-consuming and costly, particularly when there is a huge number of transactions and sales amount for your business, you will find it difficult to manage. PayPing app can do all of these tasks for you swiftly and accurately.

By using PayPing application, you can issue various invoices along with exclusive payment links for your customers and send them online to your customers and as a result, you will have a better management over your transactions. In addition, you can see the status and history of your customers’ transactions in your dashboard and enhance your financial management.

As an official payment assistant of the Central Bank and authorized by Shaparak, PayPing will be with you during the process of selling products to bring you a good experience of the online payment portal.

Some of the key features of PayPing App includes:

1. Ability to issue an invoice online with the possibility of connecting to the banking portal and online payment
2. Infinite definition of real and legal customer with specifications such as address, contact number, email and reminder text manually or by adding from the contact list
3. Ability to define periodic and regular factors with the ability to recall
4. Connect to the mobile POS device (mPOS) and pay the invoice using the card for face-to-face visits
5. Create a unique payment link for each invoice for online payment
6. Receive regular reports of paid and deferred invoices
7. Definite definition of fixed and changeable financial items

User Reviews - 87 Rates
3.9 from 5
افتضاح شدین اصلا از طریق لینک ایتم مالی با ایفون نمیره تو شاپرک که پرداخت بکنه مشتری دوم اینکه ارور پیدا نشدن کد پرداخت میده و رفع نشده هنوز
Jalil Keivanloo
Jalil Keivanloo
نه ایمیل بازیابی رمز عبور می فرستن و تلفن داخل سایتشون زنگ می خوره و نه تیکت میشه زد. .. الان بفرمایید یکی با شما کار داشته باشه باید باید چه کاری بکنه.... می خواید نامه بدیم؟ !!!