Virtual Android -Android Clone

Virtual Android -Android Clone

Version ۱.۴.۱
نصب +۵ هزار
Category ابزارها
Size ۵ مگابایت
Last Update ۲۱ فروردین ۱۴۰۳
Virtual Android -Android Clone

Virtual Android -Android Clone

Parallel Space Technology Inc.
Version ۱.۴.۱
نصب +۵ هزار
Category ابزارها
Size ۵ مگابایت
Last Update ۲۱ فروردین ۱۴۰۳
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More Info

Virtual Android,an independent virtual android machine operating system-double your android system,running simultaneously in cell phone as a parallel space,providing a faster performance to clone apps ,manage multiple accounts, protect privacy, and double enjoy the fun of your dual app.

Virtual Android - android emulator, is a virtual system on mobile devices, which easily realizes a simultaneously running environment and a virtual parallel space on mobile phone, and is equivalent to using a mobile phone as two cell phones! When using this virtual machine for android,you can switch between the local system and the virtual system with one click,and log on multiple accounts simultaneously online by virtual system. Your double games and double applications running in this virtual android emulator can continue to run without dropping the connection when they are returned to the background.

【Easily get a free Android virtual machine】
Virtual Android is equal to a terminal emulator or a free cloud phone,and is installed as an application on any mobile devices, which enables a different Android version from the host device and therefore applications and games that are not compatible with the host device such as Android 10 can run in this virtual space,so it is very useful for developers and testers.Almost all social apps and games are supported for the dual account in the virtual android emulator,that means you can have dual whatsapp、dual sharechat or Snapchat,and of course dual free fire.Sign in two defferent accounts on just one device and switch with just one tap.

【ndependent virtual GPU, support game/application running in background】
Virtual Android supports games/applications running in the background, when users are interacting with other apps. For example, when you are playing free fire you can play on two characters at the same time,and games will not be dropped when there is an incoming phone call, and therefore you need not to buy another device or any cloud phone for some specific purpose.

【Support multiple accounts of games/apps online at the same time】
Games/applications is cloned after being imported into Virtual Android, and therefore you can running multiple accounts simultaneously on one device.Also,this parallel space will simulate your dual account through a high speed virtual system. Log in and out two accounts for instant message applications to receive double messages form your dual account,keep double game accounts simultaneously online to get dual function and double experiences,and separate work and personal life by running two accounts for the social network.

User Reviews - ۳۲ Rates
2.4 from 5
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