doa joshan saghir

doa joshan saghir

Version 1
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Category Religious
Size 16 MB
Last Update 2020 January 8
doa joshan saghir

doa joshan saghir

fereshteh developer
Version 1
Install +1 K
Category Religious
Size 16 MB
Last Update 2020 January 8
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Praying for a minor has been quoted in various books and has great dignity and is in the best interests of calamities and the elimination of tyrants. It is stated in the Mahjud al-Dawat: When Musa ibn Mahdi Abbasi attempted to assassinate Imam Kazim (AS), and this news reached the Prophet's family and Shiites, they were all saddened; The Imam (PBUH) said: Do not be sad; Because the first letter from Iraq is about the death of Musa bin Mahdi. The companions asked: Where are you coming from? The Imam (PBUH) said: I saw the Prophet of God (PBUH) in his sleep and I complained to Moses bin Mahdi, the Prophet (PBUH) assured me and said: God has destroyed your enemy moments ago Kurdish; So, keep the sugar of Goddess. Imam Kazim (PBUH) then turned to Qiblah and raised his hands to the sky and recited the prayer of Jusen Minor.

Jushan Minor Prayer is a prayer for the Shiites, quoted by Sheikh Abbas Qomi in Mafatih al-Janan according to the Baladalam version. Jushan Minor is a prayer that is narrated in a much wider description than in Joshua the Great, and a passage on the margin of Baldalamine's book that says Jusen Minor Prayer is highly praised. The prayer of Joshua Minor is also quoted in the book of Sayyed Ibn Taww مهd by Mahjud al-Dawwat, but there is a difference between the Qafmمیy and the Sayy نسخهd.

Praying a little for the enemy to repel the enemy and to find the status of sugar in the plight of adversity and to increase patience and empowerment and to find the spirit of joy.

Someone who has problems and difficulties and reads the prayer of the little ones and pays attention to its contents and feels comfortable with the blessings that others do not have and that is why man is thankful for the blessings God has bestowed upon man and his sufferings. It becomes easy for him and takes power

In the prayers of Imam Khomeini, ten times, Imam Kazim (AS) said: Kami Mani Abdi Imas and his ten times and said: Worshipful Leni Lama Al-Shaykh al-Shaykh al-Mina

Among the features of this program:

Simple and beautiful design

Beautiful and religious font

Recite each passage with beautiful and pleasant audio along with translating verses

Auto-move text with audio

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