Mirror of spirit

Mirror of spirit

Version 1.1.7
Install +10 K
Category Books & Reference
Size 20 MB
Last Update 2023 October 21
Mirror of spirit

Mirror of spirit

Version 1.1.7
Install +10 K
Category Books & Reference
Size 20 MB
Last Update 2023 October 21
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More Info

Mirror of spirit is an application in the field of Persian poem and literature which has been developed by Mohammad Hasan Aram for Android devices. All texts and books in this app have been extracted from database of Ganjoor website. I want to appreciate owners and developers of this useful website for giving access to this database publicly. I also thank Mr. Morteza Khansari very much for design and calligraphy of the application banner.

Poems of most of the ancient Persian poets and many recent poets have been included in this app which users can download them freely based on their need. Till now some similar apps have been published in Android markets, but this one has some features and advantages that users would prefer to them. These features include:

  • User friendly and elegant UI: this app contains as many as possible animations (of material library) for better interacting of users with different screens of it.
  • Smart search: search results in this app are sorted smartly according to relevance of verses and paragraphs to search phrases. Besides this, it is also possible to restrict the search results to a poet books or a specific book. User can search in a poem text too.
  • Multiple settings: user can set books font and font size, books paper color and light intensity. He or She can also choose day or night mode for the app.
  • Bookmarking and creating favorite list: user can bookmark any page of a book for future references and easily add any verse or paragraph to favorite list.
  • Highlighting: the app has three highlight colors to enable users to highlight any part of a book text.
  • Exporting: the app has the ability to save a poem in a file of type pdf, jpg or txt. Three beautiful borders can be chosen for pdf or jpg output files. User can set width of jpg file too.
  • Sharing: user can share poems as text or file in this app.
  • Writing notes: it is possible for the user to add notes beneath every verse and paragraph.
  • Copy: one or more verses can be copied easily in the app.
  • Checking words meaning in dictionary: user can select a word from the text and check its meaning in Moeen or Dehkhoda online dictionaries.

Furthermore, this application is completely free and does not contain any advertisement.

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