Easy Blood sugar, Food, Activity, Insulin, and medicine recording.
Chat with a doctor.
Calculate and suggest insulin dose according to your blood sugar for those who inject insulins.
Calculate insulin sensitivity for patients that they have type 1 diabetes.
Access to Iranian and other foods database with complete foods nutrition even for specific foods.
Set specific goals for your eating foods nutrition.
Show complete carbohydrate or sugar in each food and each of them has a reminder ability to prevent high or low blood sugar and also an insulin reminder.
Access to complete activities database and calculate their burn calorie for each activity.
Completely customized for each person recorded items
Last but not least you can also record your emotions.
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دو روزه موقع ورود اطلاعات در هر قسمت خطا میده لطفا بررسی کنید و اینکه کلا زیاد هنگ میکنه. امکان ویرایش اطلاعات قبلی رو هم نداره کاش ایراداتش رو برطرف کنید. برنامه خوبیه