Hard target

Hard target

Version 1.1
Install +50 K
Category Action
Size 83 MB
Last Update 2018 March 18
Hard target

Hard target

Version 1.1
Install +50 K
Category Action
Size 83 MB
Last Update 2018 March 18
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More Info

The harsh goal is to name a new Android game in the style of the first-person action series. The hard-core game is a hero's story; the story of a team called the Black Ops, members of this team will never give up, we invite you to prepare for a role as one of the most professional riflemen! Now you have the opportunity to shoot down deadly enemies with just a few seconds.

Up to 6 months ago, you have been one of the specially trained soldiers, the country has been healthy and safe in your peace and well-being, but many soldiers and citizens were killed by the start of the war with strange alien attacks. During the first bombardment, millions were killed and injured; many of your trained team members were also killed. After a few years, the war has come to an end and only the ruin and plunder of the valuable resources of your land have brought you and your people, you are now and a great revenge you should take from your enemies.

Do not play, you will lose.

User Reviews - 39 Rates
3.1 from 5
mohamad ali
mohamad ali
خوبه فقط اگه میشه بگین این بیگانگانی که دارن به حمله می کنند کی هستن … … … … …
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