an application to register the incoming and outgoing cheques and their due dates. If you usually forget the due date and the information of your cheques, you may use this application.
application features totally free with no advertisement possibility to register incoming and outgoing cheques. possibility to show due date alarm possibility to define a checkbook possibility to get information of registered cheques from software under ORASH windows. possibility to search within registered cheques possibility to register passing or returning of a cheque and its expenses. possibility to share the information of cheques possibility to archive the cheques information possibility to export the information into an excel file. possibility to set the reminding alarm possibility to set entering password possibility to have graphing report possibility to check the cheques possibility of assigning the image of the front and back of the check possibility to save a backup file on your SD card or DROP BOX or GoogleDrive cloud space. widget to show the upcoming due dates possibility of changing the software skin (dark / light)
please make a backup of your present information before any update.
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محمد حسین
برنامه خوبیه من چند سال هست دارم استفاده میکنم اما الان به مشکل خوردم گوشیم رو عوض کردم تو گوشی جدیدم فایل پشتیبان رو باز نمیکنه
با سلام چرا یادآور چک کار نمیکنه بررسی کنین ممنون
باسلام مانند یادآورچک من ایام هفته را درج کنید که بدانیم چکی راکه ثبت میکنیم متعلق به چه روز ازایام هفته است که به روز جمعه برخوردنکنیم باتشکر