پیشخوان تاکسی

پیشخوان تاکسی

Version 0.2.0
Install +20 K
Category Lifestyle
Size 4 MB
Last Update 2022 May 22
پیشخوان تاکسی

پیشخوان تاکسی

Tehran Municipality ICT
Version 0.2.0
Install +20 K
Category Lifestyle
Size 4 MB
Last Update 2022 May 22
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More Info

These panels are designed to eliminate cash and solve the problems caused by it, and to facilitate payment operations and preserve the dignity of drivers and passengers. Currently, a number of different QR apps are defined for drivers and perform payment and settlement operations. This multiplicity of apps has created problems for citizens and has made the realization of some of the project goals doubtful. The center of operations should be in the information technology organization and under the auspices of the taxi drivers' organization. This means that startups are in contact with the End User and have a specific account (Mega Wallet) in the central wallet of the Information Technology Organization, and each passenger payment is deducted from the megavolt and then settled in the driver's account.

Goals of the panels

Unify the use of QRs in taxis and convenient use of passengers

Facilitate the administrative affairs of taxi drivers

Save time and money

Improve the accountability process

Providing online services required by taxi drivers

User Reviews - 118 Rates
2.5 from 5
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تاکسی نو نداریم
باسلام و خسته نباشید بهتره برای پرداختها و دریافتهای تاکسیها از دستگاههای پوز بیسیم و با قابلیت پرداخت آنی مثل کارتهای مترو استفاده بشه. نه تاکسیدارها و نه مسافرها کسی اشتیاق و حوصله این کارها رو ندارند. تشکر
با سلام وعرض خسته نباشید این کارهم نیاز به فرهنگ سازی دارد خیلی از مسافرها وخود رانندگان قادر به استفاده از خود برنامه را بلد نیستند