Live Local Weather Forecast

Live Local Weather Forecast

Version ۱۶.۶.۰.۶۳۶۵_۵۰۱۹۴
نصب +۵ هزار
Category آب و هوا
Size ۴۲ مگابایت
Last Update ۲۵ مهر ۱۴۰۲
Live Local Weather Forecast

Live Local Weather Forecast

Weather Widget Theme Dev Team
Version ۱۶.۶.۰.۶۳۶۵_۵۰۱۹۴
نصب +۵ هزار
Category آب و هوا
Size ۴۲ مگابایت
Last Update ۲۵ مهر ۱۴۰۲
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More Info

This clock and weather app with widget is here waiting for you!

This widgetis a full featured, completely customizable
digital clock and weather forecast widget. With it, you can get clock and weather information conveniently It provides accurate local weather information like highest/lowest temperature and current weather conditions.

Features of this weather widget
⛅This daily weather app can display current temperature, daily and hourly forecasts, sunrise and sunset time, humidity, wind speed, air pressure and UV index

Live weather background wallpaper

Severe Weather Alerts: Informing the real-time weather alerts and weather warnings. Rain, storm thunder and lightning alerts will be received as weather notifications.

Precipitation Forecast, tells you when will be an umbrella weather.
☀️ Many beautiful weather skins live widgets to choose from.

World Weather App: It’s not only a weather detector for your own location, but also a global weather tracker that you can search world weather and temperature.

☀️ Multiple Language Support: weather forecast,天气预报,天氣氣象預報, prévisions météorologiques, Wettervorhersage, previsioni del tempo, 天気予報, 일기 예보, previsão do tempo,прогноз погоды, pronóstico del tiempo, Cuaca,прогноз погоди, พยากรณ์อากาศ, dự báo thời tiết, النشرة الجوية, etc.

This weather widget only support basic weather feature. If you want more features like extended weather forecast, simple moon phase calendar, moonrise & moonset, AQI etc, please upgrate to our Amber Weather Elite (our Weather App Pro). We believe our weather app pro version will become your weather tracker and personal weather station.

Stay in touch

If you would like to help with the translation and localization, please write to:

User Reviews - ۲۴ Rates
4.4 from 5
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