Master the entire Konkur exam in just 30 days! Blitz uses scientifically-proven spaced repetition to help you review all key points efficiently!
Blitz is a game-changing educational app that uses scientific methods like "spaced repetition" and "active recall" to help you prepare for Konkur exams in record time. During these crucial final weeks, every minute counts – with Blitz, you'll make the most of your study time!
Scientific methods, real results:
• Fast learning: Challenge yourself with "Blitzes" (true/false statements) that test your knowledge instantly
• Smart review: Our algorithm knows exactly when you need to review each concept for maximum retention
• Personalized experience: Focus more on the points you find challenging
• Visible progress: See your improvement daily and stay motivated
Key Features
• Our Blitzes: Learn and review thousands of Konkur concepts through true/false statements
• 6-level mastery system: Review information at scientifically optimized intervals
• All subjects, all majors: Complete coverage for Experimental Sciences, Humanities, Arts, Languages, and Mathematics
• Hard points tracker: Don't worry about difficult concepts - we'll help you master them with extra practice
• Simple and beautiful: An interface so engaging you'll actually look forward to studying!
Perfect for Final Review Period
Only a few weeks left until Konkur? Don't panic! Blitz was designed specifically for this crucial period. All top educational advisors agree that smart revision is half the battle - with Blitz, you'll do it right!