Local Weather Forecast

Local Weather Forecast

Version ۴.۲۶.۱
نصب +۵ هزار
Category آب و هوا
Size ۱۵ مگابایت
Last Update ۸ اسفند ۱۴۰۳
Local Weather Forecast

Local Weather Forecast

Tools Dev
Version ۴.۲۶.۱
نصب +۵ هزار
Category آب و هوا
Size ۱۵ مگابایت
Last Update ۸ اسفند ۱۴۰۳
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More Info

This best Local Weather Forecast provides the most accurate forecast & future weather info, beautiful weather widgets. 

Features of Weather Forecast
☛ Hourly/Daily Forecast: Detailed weather forecast, including weather status prediction, highest/lowest temperature, air quality, precipitation, wind, etc
Exact forecast: Provide 360-hour forecast about temperature and weather forecasts info
Accurate location: Automatically locate and add your position, and can track weather in multiple locations
Weather Widgets: Easily check the current & future weather info via weather widgets
Sun & Moon: Track Sunrise and Sunset Time
Different Units: Choose between metric or imperial units, Fahrenheit (℉) or Celsius (℃), 12-hour or 24-hour time display
Status Bar Info: Status bar on the home screen displaying the current temperature for your current location
Current Weather Conditions: Detailed real-time weather report, including real-time weather status & temperature, "feels like" temperature, air quality, rainfall rate, humidity, dew point, sunrise, sunset, wind speed, UV index, visibility, and barometric pressure
Powerful and Doppler Radar : Useful if you want to track tropical storms or potential severe weather. From wind, rain, temperature, clouds, waves and pressure to precise details like wind gusts, rain accumulation, dew point, CAPE Index and currents
Weather forecast for global, for all countries: Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Athens, London, Manchester, Cambridge, Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, Hawaii, Sydney, Perth, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Ottawa, Toronto, Victoria, Berlin, Florence, Bari, etc

Download the weather forecast now! By learning weather information, you can prepare your plan carefully, then you will be successful at work and have a better life!

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