Aramsho: Persian meditation

Aramsho: Persian meditation

Version 1.1.0
In-app Purchases
Install +10 K
Category Lifestyle
Size 20 MB
Last Update 2020 November 21
Aramsho: Persian meditation

Aramsho: Persian meditation

Version 1.1.0
In-app Purchases
Install +10 K
Category Lifestyle
Size 20 MB
Last Update 2020 November 21
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More Info

Our goal is to increase the feeling of happiness and health in your life, but you will spend less than 5 minutes.

We did this for you with the simplest methods in the form of a series of very self-contained sessions, using an experienced instructor and a scientific method that has already been answered.

Let me ask you a question ...

What do you think about attending meditation sessions and being accompanied by a lady / gentleman as a leader during the session?

Now we did exactly that in "Aramsho"!

What does it mean?

This means that you choose the package you want, by clicking on the play button, a leader who has dedicated his life to meditation for hours and knows how to be a leader will talk to you and tell you what to do at the moment of the meditation session!

If you are interested in meditation, but so far you have encountered only a few music and a few lines of writing in every door you knock on, I suggest you try "Aramsho"!

Of course, musk is to smell yourself! But now you try to see what it's like.

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3.6 from 5
من هقدرامتحان میکنم برای من نصب نمیشه .چه کاری باید انجام بدم؟
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معصومه تمیمی
چرا وارد نمیشه نه به عنوان مهمان میشه وارد شد نه با شماره موبایل ؟؟؟
سلام .وقتی برنامه رو نصب کردم بعد رفتم داخل برنامه وقتی اسم فامیل شماره رمز رو نوشتم هی منتظر میشم چیزی نمیشه یعنی بالا نمیاد من این برنامه رو خیلی دوست دارم بهم بگید چی کار کنم؟؟؟